

My name is Simon Aboumerhi and, simply put, I love astrophotography. I started this hobby (obsession) 2 years ago and just can’t stop. It’s allowed me to discover a completely new world that is only accessible using photography.

I wanted to share some of my work and inspire anyone who would like to get started in astrophotography. I especially want people to realize how anyone with a camera and tripod can achieve more than they thought possible.

I’ve attempted many different kinds of astrophotography, and this site should show you what is possible with a DSLR, from basic single long exposure landscape photos to complexe tracked and stacked deep sky images.

Finally, the reason I called my website rooftop astro is that when I can’t leave my home in Montreal because of time or moon constraints. I climb up on my roof with over 150 lbs of equipment and with the help of narrowband filters, take pictures in one of the biggest cities in Canada.

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